The most of you probably know Jameszoo as a DJ playing alongside Modeselektor, Dorian Concept, Nicholas Jaar en many more. Next tot his DJ-thing he’s also pretty busy producing music aswell, resulting in his first 7’’ ‘Leaf People’, later on his 12’’ ‘Faveelaa’ and his most recent EP ‘Guanyin Psittacines’ which got released in May last year. Check out this interview we had with this laidback guy from Den Bosch, good stuff!
When you start working on a new track, do you have an idea of what it should contain or sound like? Do you have a specific work routine?
Not really, I don’t have a default way of starting off a track nor do I have a specific idea of how it should sound. I start working on a random part of the track and just take it from there. Also, when making Jameszoo stuff I find it hard to stay within a specific genre. The end result is always more or less a surprise.
What equipment do you use for making music?
My computer and microphone. Every now and then I visit other people’s studios and subsequently use everything I can find there.
What is the strangest instrument you have used?
A watering can that sounds like Ramses Shaffy.
You take a lot of inspiration from Brazilian music. What are other sources of inspiration for you at the moment?
Over the years I have met a lot of really great people. I get a lot of inspiration from seeing them do good and interesting things.
My son the DJ
Jameszoo and his parents
What’s the idea behind the parrots on the Guanyin Psittacines cover?
Stephen Serrato, me and Kindred Spirits.
Could you tell us something about the collaboration with Stephen Serrato?
Kindred Spirits reached out to him at the time of the release of my first 7’’. Stephen designed my logo back then. When my first E.P. was finished, I wanted to work with him again. Luckily he had some time, he’s a busy man.
You are also a DJ. What can you tell us about the response from the audience?
I have noticed you are often a reflection of your audience and vice versa. If you are just standing there and not trying to convey the music’s energy, the audience will most likely give not much energy back. By the way, I have been doing a lot of great gigs lately!
'The strangest instrument I have used? A watering can that sounds like Ramses Shaffy'
How did the idea for the jazz podcast (Yujyou) arise? Do you and your friends make them separately or is it a group effort?
Me and two of my friends are really into jazz and related genres. We all collect records, both physically and digitally. Just like Madlib has introduced us to a lot of new music with his mixes, we wanted to follow in his vein and hope to inspire our listeners more or less in the same way. If just one person gets some enjoyment out of our mixes, it’s already worth the effort.
Mix no. 3 in the Yujyou series by Jameszoo, Eagleman and Joseph Flanigan.
Are there any plans for the future, other than music?
I do have certain aspirations, but no definitive plans yet…
With who would you like to work on a record?
Dimlite. Also I would like to work with Benny Sings some time!
Who is doing your PR / communication?
At the moment I am doing this myself. Ronald de Keizer, who is doing Jungle by Night amongst others, used to do it before.
We saw a photo of a rooster in your kitchen? Why a pet rooster?
Pep things up!
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